Every final year student male or female goes through the same joys and pains of any pregnant woman. Its those final 9months and you are out, as a “doc”
Changes during pregnancy
First trimester-
The 1st day of final year is very exciting- 1 last year of MBBS and 4 new much more interesting subjects- just as excited as a woman who gets to know she is pregnant. :-)
But with it obviously come the not so exciting things-
1)Amenorrhea- No more 4-5 days of outing and tp, every month for next 9 months
2)Morning sickness- You get up every morning and the same thought daily, Oh god, postings today, have to reach at 9am
3)Fatigue-It’s the 1st few months, obviously not used to the hectic schedule
4)Weight gain- My my, its already 1 kg now, have 10 kgs to add on the remaining months
5)Increase in frequency of micturition- That’s the only place you can probably go, to escape from everything
6)Per abdominal and pelvic changes- Increase in fat deposition
The 1st day of final year is very exciting- 1 last year of MBBS and 4 new much more interesting subjects- just as excited as a woman who gets to know she is pregnant. :-)
But with it obviously come the not so exciting things-
1)Amenorrhea- No more 4-5 days of outing and tp, every month for next 9 months
2)Morning sickness- You get up every morning and the same thought daily, Oh god, postings today, have to reach at 9am
3)Fatigue-It’s the 1st few months, obviously not used to the hectic schedule
4)Weight gain- My my, its already 1 kg now, have 10 kgs to add on the remaining months
5)Increase in frequency of micturition- That’s the only place you can probably go, to escape from everything
6)Per abdominal and pelvic changes- Increase in fat deposition
Second trimester-
1)Quickening(feeling of life)- You finally digest you are in final year and realize that’s life for next 6months
2)Progressive enlargement of lower abdomen and in fundal height- Attributed to fat accumulation
3)Active fetal movements felt and FHS heard- All those weird feelings and noise in the abdomen due to anxiety and anticipation of exams
1)Quickening(feeling of life)- You finally digest you are in final year and realize that’s life for next 6months
2)Progressive enlargement of lower abdomen and in fundal height- Attributed to fat accumulation
3)Active fetal movements felt and FHS heard- All those weird feelings and noise in the abdomen due to anxiety and anticipation of exams
Third Trimester-
Same things continue with increase in abdominal size and increase in those weird feelings
Abstinence- It is very important to stay away from those frequent movies, outings with friends and families- may lead to abortion and miscarriages(explained later)
Same things continue with increase in abdominal size and increase in those weird feelings
Abstinence- It is very important to stay away from those frequent movies, outings with friends and families- may lead to abortion and miscarriages(explained later)
Normal Labour- Period during exams
A very crucial phase
1)Oestrogen progesterone and many other hormones are in a state of imbalance- so is the hormonal status of all the exam-going students
2)uterine contractions are at its peak and Bleeding control measures initiated- Contraction of all the interossei and lumbricals, and decreased blood flow to the brain
3)Labour pains- Unbearable tension, stress and anxiety accompanied by pain radiating to all parts of the body. Resistant to all types of anesthesias
A very crucial phase
1)Oestrogen progesterone and many other hormones are in a state of imbalance- so is the hormonal status of all the exam-going students
2)uterine contractions are at its peak and Bleeding control measures initiated- Contraction of all the interossei and lumbricals, and decreased blood flow to the brain
3)Labour pains- Unbearable tension, stress and anxiety accompanied by pain radiating to all parts of the body. Resistant to all types of anesthesias
1st stage of labour
Just like preparation of birth canal for expulsion, it’s the final revision by the students
Just like preparation of birth canal for expulsion, it’s the final revision by the students
2nd stage of labour
Mechanism of labour- Process of examination
i)Engagement i)Medicine 1
ii)Increasing flexion and internal rotation ii)Medicine2
iii)Crowning iii)Surgery 1
iv)Delivery of head iv)Surgery 2
v)Restitution v)Obstetrics
vi)External rotation vi)Gynecology
vii)Delivery of shoulders and trunk vii)Pediatrics
‘Descent’ is a continuous process.
‘Episiotomy’ are the copying efforts we put in to ease the process
‘Bearing down efforts’ are required throughout this period
‘Episiotomy’ are the copying efforts we put in to ease the process
‘Bearing down efforts’ are required throughout this period
3rd stage of labour
It is painless. Ends with the happiness it brings of coming out as a Graduate doctor
It is painless. Ends with the happiness it brings of coming out as a Graduate doctor
Complications of pregnancy
1)Abortions and miscarriages- are all the unlucky events due to lack of studying. But some threatened abortions manage to continue till term. So never lose hope
2) Antepartum and postpartum hemorrhage- several episodes of crying during the 9 months and post results due to an amazing score or disappointing marks.
3)Hypertensive disorders—Common after 20th week with actual realization that 4 months are over, just 5 months for exams
4)Postterm pregnancy, Prolonged labour, Obstructed labour-Caused due to certain unfortunate events(lets not blame anyone, its destiny), that delays the outcome by 6 months
5)Cephalopelvic disproportion- Time-syllabus disproportion, is a serious disorder which causes stressful conditions of students and all deliveries at the end suffer( you just cant finish the syllabus before exams)
6)Malpresentation and malpositions-Confused and lost state of mind is not uncommon in early months. By 34th week, normal positions are gained by 90%. Some3% manage a normal delivery, even in their confused state
2) Antepartum and postpartum hemorrhage- several episodes of crying during the 9 months and post results due to an amazing score or disappointing marks.
3)Hypertensive disorders—Common after 20th week with actual realization that 4 months are over, just 5 months for exams
4)Postterm pregnancy, Prolonged labour, Obstructed labour-Caused due to certain unfortunate events(lets not blame anyone, its destiny), that delays the outcome by 6 months
5)Cephalopelvic disproportion- Time-syllabus disproportion, is a serious disorder which causes stressful conditions of students and all deliveries at the end suffer( you just cant finish the syllabus before exams)
6)Malpresentation and malpositions-Confused and lost state of mind is not uncommon in early months. By 34th week, normal positions are gained by 90%. Some3% manage a normal delivery, even in their confused state
Operative Procedures-
Instrumental delivery and cesarean section- Are all the special efforts of our professors to push us or in fact pull us through, to their side i.e. becoming a doctor
*So my final year friends, all I have to say is just tolerate the pains, difficulties, troubles for a few more months, the fruits are definitely worth our efforts.
Ps:My special thanks to D.C Dutta( author of textbook of obstetrics) for inspiring this ‘in depth’ analysis and Pankti Haria, my co-analyst in this path breaking research.
very well written .. intelligent analogy !!